‘‘Get outta here, a page full of cat pictures? How dare you come up with that and how do you think you'll get away with it?’’ Well yes, that's what I've been asking myself too... On a World Wide Web that is inundated with honey-sweet and quasi-comical cat content, this contribution can just as well be omitted, right? Or cannot at all be missed? Who shall say? Clearing me from having a bad taste – or so I hope – is the fact that among street artists the felis silvestris catus is by far the most popular animal to depict; be that on a minuscule or huge scale (Zabou), cartoonishly or realistically (the stencil-based works by C215), scribbled on a simple piece of paper with a flick of the wrist or produced with a lot of skill (Nychos). Indeed, they come in all shapes and sizes. As for the four-legged creatures themselves; one cat is lying about and purring indifferently while another one is creeping up to an imaginary mouse. Two cats are frightened of you coming towards them so they arch their backs. A small and timid specimen on a road sign is keeping an eye on you, while that cheeky M. Chat with his mile-wide smirk is shamelessly taking up the space of an entire wall (‘no one's chasing me away!’). More than 150 international Mollies for you to glance over.