Subversive Urban Enrichment
Cobbled streets, white wooden houses, a cathedral of modest proportions dating back to 1150, impressive views over the water and a colossal bridge that links the islands together. It’s Stavanger in a nutshell.
Cobbled streets, white wooden houses, a cathedral of modest proportions dating back to 1150, impressive views over the water and a colossal bridge that links the islands together. It’s Stavanger in a nutshell.
Art in museums is carefully preserved and, if necessary, restored in order to be kept indefinately. Street art, on the other hand, is finite by its very nature. Ephemerality is in fact one of its defining features. Some street art may be around for years. This holds true particularly for murals (although muralism kind of falls into a category of its own).
As is evident from the numerous images of spray cans, marker pens and paint rollers that can be found on the streets, you cannot but conclude that graffiti and street artists are very keen to call attention to the material that enables them to display their artistic skills. Art about making art, or in other words; meta art.